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CentsAble Chat

Jan 25, 2023

If you’re preparing for the worst or just trying to squeeze more money out of your paycheck, don’t wait for a raise or someone to bail you out. There are things that you can do on your own!

Jan 18, 2023

Are you bargain-hunting to save money, or just for the sake of a sale? If it's the latter, you could be falling into the debt trap. The only way to truly save money is not to spend. CentsAble Bobbi offers 5 ways to save without a sale - and what to do with the money you save! Visit for...

Jan 11, 2023

Welcome to Christmas hangover season! Not only is it back to a normal work schedule, but all the credit card statements are coming in and, with it, a lot more stress. The good news is that, regardless of your income level or how much debt you have, getting rid of it is possible. People from every walk of life have done...

Jan 4, 2023

January is the perfect time to start planning for next Christmas, to avoid debt, reduce financial stress and still show your love! CentsAble Bobbi shares 5 ways to pay cash for Christmas, plus 5 alternatives to buying gifts.